

What are Dental Veneer Methods?

Within the scope of veneering methods, there are Zircon Crown, E-Max Full Crown and Porcelain Crown methods. These methods are used in dentistry. In this direction, in the Zircon Crown method, the upper surface of the tooth is coated using a material called zircon oxide. Zircon oxide strengthens the teeth and makes them more durable.

With E-Max Full Crown and Porcelain Crown methods, a material called porcelain is used on the upper surface of the tooth. Accordingly, Zircon Crown, E-Max Full Crown and Porcelain Crown procedures preserve the natural appearance of the teeth and provide an aesthetic appearance.

What are the Construction Stages of Dental Veneer Methods?


Zircon Crown Making Stages

Zircon Crown is a dental prosthesis made of a material called zirconium. Zirconium is a very widely used material in dentistry. Because it is durable, aesthetic and biologically safe.

In the production of Zirconia Crowns, the dentist first scans the patient’s teeth and takes impressions of the teeth. These measurements are necessary for the Zirconia Crown to be produced specifically for the patient.

The dentist then creates a design for the Zirconia Crown and digitises this design. This allows the dentist to determine details such as how big and what shape the Zirconia Crown will be.

Once the digital design is complete, the manufacturing process begins using a specialised machine for the Zirconia Crown. This machine produces the Zirconia Crown in the form of a mould according to the digital design created by the dentist.

The temperature of the produced mould is raised in a forn furnace and baked to form Zircon crystal. During this process, the Zirconia takes the shape of the mould.

After the firing process is completed, the Zirconia Crown is cooled and checked by the dentist. If necessary, the surface of the Zirconia Crown may require additional treatment.

After the Zirconia Crown is properly processed and checked by the dentist, it is placed on the patient’s tooth by the dentist.

E-Max Full Crown Making Stages

E-Max Full Crown is a crown that covers the entire tooth. This type of crown is generally used in cases where the surfaces of the teeth are completely lost or there is very little protective tissue left on the teeth. E-Max Full Crown is durable, aesthetic and biologically safe. It also helps to strengthen the teeth.

During the construction of E-Max Full Crown, the dentist specialist first examines the tooth to be prosthesis and the surrounding teeth.

If necessary, caries or other defects in the teeth to be prosthesis are removed.

Measurements of the patient’s teeth are taken and a design for E-Max Full Crown is made according to these measurements.

A special mould (jaw mould) is taken for the patient’s teeth and the design of the E-Max Full Crown is applied on this mould.

The E-Max Full Crown is manufactured in the laboratory using special equipment and made suitable for the patient.

The prosthesis is placed in the patient’s mouth and any abrasions are corrected. Necessary adjustments are made for a comfortable and correct fit of the prosthesis.

All these stages must be successfully applied for the production of E-Max Full Crown. E-Max Full Crown provides a strong and healthy appearance of the teeth. It also protects the teeth in a healthy way.

Porcelain Crown Construction Stages

Porcelain crowns are bonded to the top of the tooth and recreate the natural appearance of the tooth. Thus, it serves to increase the strength of the teeth. The following steps are followed for porcelain crown construction:

Firstly, the tissue around the tooth and the crown on the tooth are removed and the shape and size of the tooth are measured. This data is used for the construction of the porcelain crown.

Next, a projection is made on the top of the tooth and a mould is drawn on this projection. This mould is used as a template for the construction of the porcelain crown.

For the construction of the porcelain crown, a clay work area is created and porcelain powders and adhesives are combined, poured into the clay area and compacted. This process creates a model that gives the shape of the porcelain crown.

The porcelain model is hardened by firing at a temperature of 1000 degrees. The colour and texture of the porcelain model is then changed to match the colour and texture of the tooth.

The porcelain crown is cemented onto the tooth and, as a final process, a veneer is placed on the tooth. This crown imitates the natural appearance of the tooth.

Porcelain crown construction is a procedure that must be performed by a dental specialist and usually requires several sessions. This procedure recreates the natural appearance of the tooth and increases the strength of the teeth.

Measurement in Dental Veneers

For dental crowns, it is important to take impressions to ensure that the teeth are crowned correctly. The impression taking process includes the following steps:

Cleaning the teeth: The teeth must be clean before the impression is taken. This involves removing stains on the teeth and bacterial masses around the gums.

Designing the veneer: The design of the veneer is done to take impressions of the teeth and to design the appearance of the veneer. In this context, a plan is created on how the impressions and appearance of the teeth will be applied to the design of the veneer.

Impression Taking: Taking impressions involves taking the impressions of the teeth accurately. In this process, special tools are used to take the impressions of the teeth.

Veneer Production: After the impressions are taken, the veneer is produced. This process is carried out for the dentist to produce the veneer using the impressions and design.

Application of the Veneer: After the production of the veneer is completed, the veneer is applied to the teeth. In this process, special tools are used to apply the veneer to the teeth correctly.


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